Thursday, March 8, 2007


I know that the smell from Seafield has been unpleasant for many years, but I'd like to start by noting the great work that the sewage works does. Seafield takes polluted, health-risking water and turns it into pellets useful for agriculture and water that is now clean and environmentally friendly. Time was when this would just be pumped into the Forth for nature to deal with.

This process, however, does produce an odour, and it is unpleasant to live with such a smell, especially in summer. (There was a sewage works half-a-mile from where I grew-up.)

Labour had originally passed a bill, intended mainly to sort the Seafield smell, a few years ago, but because the legal nature of Seafield it turned out was different from other similar plants, and this was discovered only during the process of trying to right it! (Ironically the other plants that benefited from this bill did have their odour problem solved.)

Now Sarah Boyack has identified available cash, after years of work by Susan Deacon, and has put the ball back into Scottish Water's court - it is now up to them to come to an agreement with Stirling Water and find a plan that will work. I realise that it has been a lot of hard work and frustration for many people, nonetheless a solution appears closer than ever before and I would certainly want to keep the momentum going.

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