Thursday, March 15, 2007

A sense of urgency for Nisbet Court?

I met a friendly woman in Nisbet Court today whom I asked if there were any issues in the area:

'Don't ask', she said.
'Why not?' (I asked!)
'I could give you tears.'
'I've got people above me and they've got ASBOs and they're drug addicts - they make so much racket...I'm keeping a diary each night to record everything that happens.'

This was the essence of our exchange.

It's sad for both sides. Drug addiction is sad and then inflicting misery on an older lady is sad. I think that it is important to remember as a councillor the human beings that lie behind the problems that come across your desk. In many cases there is real suffering, on a daily basis. People who have a drug addiction cannot be evicted into the street - but there has to be swift action to prevent residents from being forced to keep daily diaries recording how many times they feel they are being disturbed. Time is an issue, and hurrying things along, having a feeling of urgency about things is vital. The above problem had been ongoing for three years!

Swift action using the powers that are there is a priority. Hurrying those powers and processes along is a must. And if that is not enough then more powers must be sought.

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