Saturday, March 17, 2007

Safety and Sympathy in Pirniefield Place

I don't think that anyone would choose the life of street prostitution except from desperation or very difficult circumstances. Prostitution has moved to the junction of Seafield Road and the bottom of Claremont Park with some activity drifting up the Links. Having spoken to residents of Pirniefield there is a great deal of sympathy for the individual women, but there is also a desire that what comes with prostitution: kerb crawling, the type of litter and the feelings of intimidation that residents out at night experience be prevented.

In other areas of the new Leith Ward resident groups have moved prostitution on from their own immediate areas to other residential areas. It just shifts the problem to another patch.

If elected, I would propose two methods that have been successful in the past: a local campaign that would deter 'clients', and the installation of a CCTV camera for the same reason.

This would have the likely effect of pushing prostitution further-up the road towards the business park just before Portobello. This, I think, is the best solution. The area tends to shut up shop after 5, and it is non-residential.

It is important that action be taken so that the drift of prostitution up Claremont Park and the Links be prevented. A safe and sympathetic solution, in line with residents' wishes, can be found.

1 comment:

Robert Burns said...

Surely a case of 'not in my back yard'? Is moving the problem on to a deserted industrial estate really a 'safe' solution?