Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Environmentally Friendly Homes

The Green issue has become much more important in recent years. I can still recall, quite vividly, the newsreport that informed us that British scientists had discovered a hole in the ozone layer above the antartic. It set green issues on the agenda. It was followed quickly by theories about the greenhouse effect.

This was 22 years ago. It amazes me that it has taken so long for things to really happen. The issue seems to have been in the background without being taken all that seriously, but, recently, there is a general agreement that we have to start acting now. I believe this too.

Recycling has moved from 5% to 29% over the past 4 years, and the target is now 40%.
Edinburgh Labour will offer a FREE "eco-check" to all households covering energy, recycling, chemicals and water for every city home.

Recent reports say that, incredibly, after banning CFCs the Ozone layer is now recovering, although it will take 'fifty years' for a full recovery. By acting now we may be able to say something similar about climate change.

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