Thursday, March 1, 2007

Re-starting an active Community?

On Wednesday night I attended a meeting set-up to try and re-start a Residents' Association in Lochend and Restalrig.

There were eight people in total and four were not actually members of the community. At the meeting we discussed the lack of interest: one man had delivered over 900 leaflets to whip-up interest in the meeting. It didn't appear to work. The people who were there had been members of the old Residents' Association that folded. It didn't feel like progress. So it appears people in the area aren't interested in their community?

I don't believe that people are 'meaningless meetings', as on person termed it. I believe they are interested in, as another said, 'successful results'. I agree: we need action to deal with community problems in Lochend and Restalrig, and all over Leith Ward in fact. It will always be my intention to listen, discuss and act on a problem, if I am elected.

Meetings are useful for identifying problems and outlining solutions, but unless there is action, we all lose interest. And the community loses most of all. I will do my best to ensure this does not happen.

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