Saturday, February 17, 2007

Newhaven Road Bus Congestion

Those of you who live on or near Newhaven Road, some of whom I was speaking to on Monday night, will be aware that due to parking there is often a hold-up as vehicles have to let others pass. This can become a very tight squeeze when it is two buses that try to pass each other. I was on a bus that had to spend several painstaking minutes moving slowly by degrees so that each could safely get by the other. It surprises me that the people who park their cars aren't more concerned. I sometimes expect them to come out of their house white with anxiety as two buses edge between the cars on either side, with barely any room to spare, and, furthermore, often other cars pass by one another at speed with centimetres to spare. It must be an anxious view from the window at times!

The 7 and 11 are very good buses, and changing their route would be a loss for residents, so, as an alternative, I think we need some more sensible parking for this stretch of road. Parked cars and two buses side-by-side does not leave much room. If elected I would press to have parking areas moved to avoid this problem.

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