Sunday, February 18, 2007

Hermitage Park - anti-social behaviour

Residents have noted a problem with anti-social behaviour around Hermitage Park. Some may believe that only physical violence constitutes anti-social behaviour, others that it includes vandalism of property, but I believe behaviour that impacts on the quality of life, and on community values and feeling can be described as anti-social behaviour.

A person exposing others, especially children, to abusive language is, in my opinion, acting anti-socially. In family areas such behaviour is unacceptable because it undermines the values and feelings that parents work hard to cultivate in their children, and which the children themselves appreciate. I believe that we must act strongly and quickly to sort problems like this out. Setting the right tone for an area adds so much to the quality of life of the residents who live there. And it can detract a great deal from enjoying your home and your area if such behaviour is allowed to continue.

I believe acting quickly in the interests of the nearby residents would be a duty of a local representative.

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