Sunday, February 18, 2007

How Mrs Beaton dealt with anti-social behaviour

Mrs.Beaton’s stairway used to have graffiti on the walls. There used to be litter and some people would even urinate in the stairway! No one should have to put up with this. So Mrs Beaton organised her stair, contacted her local Labour councillorEwan Aitken – and a security door was installed. The residents cleaned the graffiti off the walls, cleared the litter, and mopped-out the stair.

Now, having been in Mrs Beaton’s stair, I can tell you there is no graffiti, no smell and no litter, but there is a nice, clean stairway with a pleasant feel. Mrs Beaton wanted to live in a good environment and now she does.

I believe as a Labour councillor my role is to give full support to people like Mrs Beaton who want to improve their community.

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