Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Community Values in Gordon Street

I met a father today who was worried about community values. He was a relatively young father - I'm saying that because I'm nearing that age -of 37 and had a 7 year old boy. His boy (who was very polite and delightful) had never thrown a piece of litter in his life, but he lived next to Easter Road which was often littered. He was concerned that this was getting across to his son the wrong value and that he, as a father, cannot be as strong an influence as the community he grows up in.

We all know community makes a difference. Family and community are powerful shapers of a person's life. Family values cannot grow too far apart from community values or community values from family values. This father wants to bring his son up in a community that values many of the things he does: looking after your children, knowing how to treat others, education, a nice area and care for the environment.

He believes in a community of responsible individuals.

I believe in that too. And I believe that a councillor should work to use the power he or she may have to fulfil the responsible aims of a responsible, value rich community.

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