Thursday, February 15, 2007

Mrs Beaton

I was lucky enough that some of you were in when I came round last Wednesday. You were good enough to give me a bit of your time and let me know about some of the issues in the area.

I was particularly struck by Mrs Beaton, who lives in Restalrig Crescent, and her story and would like to tell you a bit about it.

Anti-Social Behaviour

Mrs Beaton has paid £100 for a disabled car parking space outside her house. Her husband is very ill and this space is very useful. But workmen and people who do not live in the area park there; stopping the parking space being useful!

If elected, I would press local officials to clamp down on this and other like things. It is no trouble to park somewhere else, but the trouble caused to Mrs Beaton is very great.

This is an example of what I would call anti-social behaviour. It’s not just young people being aggressive: it’s small things like being ignorant of others, of throwing litter on the street, or of allowing dogs to mess on the pavement.

As a community, and using council powers, we should be strong on anti-social behaviour. It sets the tone for an area and the residents of this area deserve a nice area to live in.

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