Saturday, February 17, 2007

Hawthornvale being used as a Rat Run

While meeting some of the residents the other night, one elderly gentlemen told me of the time when he walked down the steps from the front door of his stairway that leads onto the pavement, when a car passed in front of him, at speed, a few inches from him. The car had mounted the pavement to pass another, oncoming car. The elderly man explained to me that he believed if he had been 2 seconds quicker coming out he would be dead.

Hawthornvale is being used as a rat run by people who do not live in the area, and, a small minority, are using it very irresponsibly and risking the safety of residents. I live in the street and I've seen some of the reckless driving and heard the roars of engines that signal a car going too fast for a residential area. As one resident said to me, 'What about the mothers with prams in the street?'

Because of this, if elected, I would press for the installation of speed bumps. Safety is always the main concern. We've been lucky not to have one accident, and I believe we should act to prevent one and maintain the quality of life in an up-and-coming area.

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